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When using cool hues, one will envision water or ice. These colors are soothing as cool tones make a person cool down. These are shades of depths in the sea. Cobalt blues, aqua greens, and majestic purples. Cooler colors will make the walls appear to look larger; the cool wall color will seem to recede, making a room more open and airy. Cool colors are perfect to use in a room flooded with sunlight. The cool colors makes one believe they are in a cooler place as the psychological effect kicks in and the human psyche makes one feel cooler.
Connecting with neutral colors similar to the family of tans, browns, beige, white tones, and grays can create a bond between colors and transitional spaces. Neutrals work to connect rooms as well as layer a foundation for more vivid color schemes or combinations. Mixtures are created by various colors, and colors have a psychological meaning that has been researched and studied for generations. In the last few decades, these colors have a refined definition that designers used in the industry of interior, graphic, and fashion design. The definitions are as follows, though they are not complete, this brief description will assist the interior designer in determining what the array of colors will do for the client’s home.
Red – this color can make one feel hot and is known to increase one’s appetite, heart rate, and passion. Red is largely used in residential dining rooms and fast food restaurants using this exciting tone in the color theme. Because red increases a person’s appetite, one tends to eat faster, and this is beneficial for fast food establishments. Red can often be applied in bedrooms adding alluring and sumptuous touches to enhance romantic settings. At times, designers use small portions of red hues in every room to increase warmth and comfort to the home.

Orange – Orange is known to develop nervousness and anxiety. When people feel edgy, they tend to fumble more or become frustrated. On the opposite side people tend to act giddy and playful. This color is high in energy and is perfect as a burst of color in a room. Orange can be daring in design and can create layers of color to energize a small space, such as the laundry room or hallway. A dull or shadowy space takes on a lively feeling as the bold color enlightens the space with this dramatic approach.
Yellow – this is the most controversial color in the color wheel. Thought often as a sunny and happy tone, bright yellows are aggravating and annoying if viewed too long. One should use yellow sparingly when decorating and only as a highlight in décor. If yellows are dominant as a design scheme, use golden yellows, butter tones, or pale tones of this hue. Yellows are tricky as it can have green traces that can suggest a sickly demeanor. Black can also change a yellow to a green tone, and this can creates chaos in the design. Staying on the lighter shade of yellow works best in decorating and can add a lighter nuance to the space.
Green – this is a natural color and can create a serene scheme if decorated with properly. Green can take on two jobs in decorations. These jobs are energizing and relaxing in various design settings. This can be done at the same time as a combination of tones. Good uses of greens are best used in a setting for bedrooms, living rooms, and for waiting rooms to create a perfect choice for tranquil, revitalizing, and stimulating environments.
Blue – this color can actually lower blood pressure and reduce an appetite in people. Needless to say, this color would not be effective in a kitchen or eating establishment as the loss of appetite may reflect on the food or the individual preparing the meal. One may even psychologically believe the food does not taste properly. The color blue and the tint of white are rebooted in trends or in fashions as realized in Wedgwood china, country decorating, and nautical design or navy schemes.
Purple – this royal and majestic color was just that a color representing wealth and positioning in class. This was a color that very few could afford in the earlier times of fashion and design. In the theater, a portrayal of nobility is symbolized in a deep purple and highlights of gold. Purple is best used in moderation adding richness or drama to the room without making the space look cagey or over theatrical in design.
Black – this color does not just signify the rebel or a depressive cogitation. Black is a classic and regal accent color that shares a traditional and contemporary look in any room. Once thought of as an accent tone or a neutral to add to any upholstery piece, black is used in whole room applications partnered with rich tones or pastels, and accompanied by chromes, mirrors or crystals.

Brown – another tone used to show a safe and a neutral tone in design has been rejuvenated from its former glory as a boring color. Brown is the new classic color that goes well in a rich design. Deeper tones of brown known as cognac, espresso, or Dark chocolate have accompanied rich colors such as various reds, burned oranges, bright pinks, electric greens, and smoky blues. Dark brown has moved into a multifaceted color and has been added to every color working as a strong companion in design and popular color scheme.